Quick targeted wins can reduce supply chain costs


Supply chains are generally an intricate web of interconnected interactions which operate beyond the core control of your business. Managing efficiencies within your supply chain can be challenging but are necessary to control risk and optimise financial impacts on your bottom line.

Transparency over your supply chain is imperative to finding hidden cost savings, improving operational efficiency and flagging potential risk. The fastest way to gain visibility over your supply chain is by consolidating, cleansing and classifying your spend data.


Cost reduction strategies rely on clean data 

High inflation has honed the need for astute financial management. Organizations need a clear 360 degree view of their spend data as a starting point to optimizing their supply chain strategy. By consolidating all data sources into a single repository, cleansing the data and classifying it to the relevant taxonomy, organizations can quickly focus on cost reduction strategies such as :


 Vendor rationalization

     to streamline your spend by reducing vendors and increasing value from the ones you retain

 Tail spend management

     to realize saving opportunities from off-contract suppliers

 Maverick spend review

    to reduce risks and inflated prices from off-contract suppliers

 Material price variance review

    to align actual and budgeted costs

 Payment rationalization across suppliers

    to refine payment processes and consolidate payment options

Optimise now and plan for the future

There is always a need to balance current needs with future planning. The current, high inflation market demands immediate tactical cost saving wins while future, sustainable competitive advantage requires continuous strategic management of forecasts and trends.

All of these start and end with quality data. Providing key stakeholders with visibility and dynamic, custom reporting at their fingertips is imperative for responsible supply chain management.


Why RobobAI?

We're supply chain leaders with data DNA

The Robobai Team automates the process of data consolidation from multiple sources. We leverage our custom AI engine to consolidate, classify and categorise spend data quickly and easily, at a low cost. Our process requires no integration and takes days not months.

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Know More. Buy Better.

Robobai’s goal is to create positive change within the environment and comminutes across the globe by  helping organisations to optimize the financial and ethical impacts of their global supply chain.


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